What is Fund Builders Plan ?
Fund builders plan is a DCA or Dollar Cost Averaging, by gradually investing every month with the same amount of money every month. Invest in quality mutual funds that have the opportunity to grow in the long term.
Your benefit with Fund Builders Plan?
- Affordable for any sum of money.
- Good for Amateur in investment.
- No need to monitor the market condition
- Help manage the risk effectively.
- Promote saving strategically.
What is Fund Builders Plan ?
- 1. Variety types of Mutual fundsYou can choose to invest in variety types of assets from many AMCs and our fund analysts will help to select outstanding funds by reviewing every 6 months.
- 2. Initial investment 1,000 THB.Depends on initial Subscription condition and minimum cost for each fund.
- 3. Choices of investing dateEvery 1 - 25 of the month.
(On holiday, it will automatically postpone to the next working day.) - 4. ATS DateInvesting day at 9 A.M.
- 5. Management FeeUp to the policy of each fund.
- 6 . Channel to invest
Fund SuperMart Plus Mobile | www.fundsupermart.in.th - 7. Adjust the PlanOn Fund SuperMart Plus Mobile 3 days in advance.
- 8. Dividend / BenefitsTransfer onto a customer Bank account.

Who is suitable for Fund Builders Plan ?
- Who wants to allocate different types of assets.
- Who requires professional management.
- Who wants multiple levels of Risk management
- Who plans for a long-term investment.
Recommended mutual fund for DCA.
Think Investment, Talk to PhillipHave more questions? We’re here to help.
- Line Official @fundsupermart
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Opening account with Phillip.
Open AccountFAQs
- How to register a DCA on Mutual Fund account Fund Builders Plan?
- Is it possible to build more than one investing plan?
- How many days are needed in advance for registration? (Both Online and Offline)
- If the selected investing date is a holiday. When will the order be executed?
- On the investing date, if the system cannot deduct money from a bank account. What will happen?
- What is the minimum investment available on the Fund Builder Plan account?
- Is it possible to register a Fund Builders Plan without ATS?
- Could Fund Builders Plan account be used for tax deduction?